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Finance Next

Building AI-Forward Finance and Accounting Teams


The Next Era of Finance

The core tasks, technology and skills used in finance and accounting have changed little in the last 2 decades. In the meantime, expectations have increased and complexity has skyrocketed. Finding and retaining talent gets harder as the profession becomes less desirable.


AI presents the opportunity to address these challenges. But how do you start without AI experience? How do you know if your approach is correct? What problems will you face? What are other companies doing?

My passion is to show you the modern tools and skills that are transforming finance and accounting operations. I have helped hundreds of companies and government agencies develop successful AI programs without disruption and without resistance from employees. In fact, with the right approach, you will not only increase productivity, but also increase employee satisfaction.


Using AI in finance does not need to be difficult; however, finance faces unique challenges that other business functions don't. Building an AI plan with the needs of finance and accounting requires knowledge of both finance and AI.

Finance Next provides you both hands-on finance and detailed AI expertise. My support is backed by decades of hands-on finance leadership in large and complex global organizations. With an advanced degree in software engineering and years of experience implementing AI strategies, I bridge the gap between the realities of daily business and the complexities of AI. 


I aim to establish the foundations of a responsible AI-forward finance organization. By avoiding the risks, hurdles and common mistakes, planning and implementation are easy and avoid the need for complex and distracting initiatives. Using a combination of software and skills, productivity gains are achieved in the short-term while simultaneously building a foundation for long-term competitive advantage.

The good news is that you can start now! There are no prerequisites to using AI. Even bad data is a problem that AI can solve.




I show leadership teams the essential AI topics that they need to know. 

Media has created an AI frenzy that has confused people and created unrealistic expectations. I show you what is realistic today and what elements are needed to prepare for the future.


I have helped dozens of transformation leaders build roadmaps that deliver results without false promises or wasted efforts.

By assessing the maturity of your organization and identifying the key gaps, I will help you build a plan to sustainably build a future-proof environment.


Use Case Development

Finance and accounting teams have unique requirements compared to other business functions.  This requires a careful evaluation of AI use cases and how they fit into your processes.

I help finance and data science teams to find the right places in the right processes to introduce AI.

Software Evaluation

Looking to use AI in a software platform? I can show you how to make the best use of those platforms and avoid mistakes common when using prepackaged AI solutions. 


Training employees new skills is an essential element to AI success. A training program designed specifically for finance and accounting professions builds those skills quickly and delivers increased  productivity within weeks.


Finance Next will build a tailored competency development program that will prepare your teams for the future.


The Better Alternative

Why use a large consulting firm? Finance Next provides a higher level of expertise without the complexity of a big consulting firm. You don't need layers of complex management and endless engagements. Finance Next focuses on providing you the essential information that you need to get started right away. 


We focus on short-term client engagements designed to teach the key elements of a responsible and effective AI roadmap. With my help, you have the confidence to get started right now and the right way.

No one-size-fits all approach works with AI. Every organization has unique aspects. Finance Next works with leadership, operational and technical teams to build customized frameworks that leverage best practices and fit your specific organizational circumstances.

Direct and Hands-On Experience

With over 20 years of direct and hands-on finance and accounting experience, I know how the most effectively managed and complex companies in the world structure their finance and accounting operations.


I show you the best way to introduce AI into these processes and prepare your organization for a new era of finance.

Don't Expand Your Management Team

There is no need to add new members to your leadership team to address your AI objectives. You can do this with your current staff. I can show you how to responsively introduce AI without the need for new leadership. 


The sooner you start, the sooner you realize the benefits. Reach out to me for a free initial consultation today!



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